More Funky Baby Booties , 100% hand stich, made and design with so much love and care, for happy and funny little boys and little girls. Much more fun, colour and textures at Funkyshape´s shop
Wow, this pair of baby booties is being really popular! We are so happy with the results of our "FunkyFeet Limited Collection"!they even have being futured in "binspired boutique", a lovely and useful blog that you must visit!
More of this beautiful and unique handmade baby booties at Funkyshape´s shop
And here comes more baby booties for the Limited Edition Collection. Ilove this combination of colours! if you do it too, have a look at this, you will enjoy it!
Every year I feel that anything that has to do with christmas preparations comes earlier! Oh my Gosh! just christmas!!!!! and funkyshapes wans´t the exception
I absolutly adore this new pair of christmas baby booties made with lovely green and red soft felt and with beautiful red cotton fabric with holy leaves on their back and a cute pair of holy leaves sewn onto their front. Ther will be the perfect christmas gift for your baby Made and design by FunkyShapes, with love and care;)